large olive tree shaking machines

Olive Tree Shaking Machines – Should You Get One?

In today’s article, I’ll talk about olive tree shakers and if you need them or not for your olive grove. Key Takeaway: What Are Olive Tree Shaking Machines? Olive tree shaking machines are specific machines olive growers use when harvesting olive trees. These machines can speed up the harvesting process up a lot. Also, olive…

2 Ways To Set Up an Olive Harvesting Net Catcher – THE GUIDE

2 Ways To Set Up an Olive Harvesting Net Catcher – THE GUIDE

Olive harvesting nets are one of the most important pieces of equipment when you’re picking olives. To increase their effectiveness, you should install them properly. In today’s article, I’ll show you two ways how you can set up olive harvesting nets under the trees. Key Takeaways: Laying The Nets Directly On The Ground The first…

Olive Harvesting Net Catchers – Do You Really Need Them?

Olive Harvesting Net Catchers – Do You Really Need Them?

If you’re still not using fruit harvesting nets when picking olives, you might change your mind after reading this post. I’ll explain why net catchers are essential for picking olives. Key Takeaways: What’s The Purpose of Olive Harvesting Nets The purpose of olive harvesting nets is to create a layer above the ground so all…