About Olive Knowledge

Hello and welcome to Olive Knowledge, your go-to place for everything related to olives!

My Story

My name is Petar Dzaja, and my love affair with olives began in 2014 when I moved to the beautiful Mediterranean city of Dubrovnik, Croatia. What started as a simple day helping a friend with his olive harvest turned into a deep passion that I hadn’t anticipated. Coming from eastern Croatia, where olive trees are a rarity due to the climate, this was a whole new world for me.

Over the years, I’ve planted my own olive trees, nurtured them, and delved deep into the world of olives. From understanding their cultivation to exploring their numerous benefits, my journey has been nothing short of enlightening. And that’s how Olive Knowledge was born in 2021 – out of my desire to share this knowledge and passion with the world.

owner of Olive Knowledge

My Mission with Olive Knowledge

With Olive Knowledge, I aim to:

  • Educate and Inform: Provide both beginners and professionals with valuable, reliable information about olives.
  • Share My Journey: Offer insights from my personal experiences, from planting my first olive tree to understanding the intricate world of olives.
  • Be Your Trusted Source: Ensure that Olive Knowledge becomes your go-to destination for all things related to olives, whether it’s cultivation, benefits, or uses.
  • Engage and Connect: Create a community where olive enthusiasts can come together, share, and learn.

Looking Ahead

While currently, it’s just me behind Olive Knowledge, I have big dreams. I plan to expand the team in the future, bringing in more experts to offer you even more insights and knowledge. So, if you’re passionate about olives and olive trees, feel free to reach out. We might collaborate 🙂

Let’s Connect

Got a question or just want to chat about olives? I’m always here and eager to help. Drop me an email at contact@oliveknowledge.com or connect with us on our Facebook page. I always love connecting with fellow olive enthusiasts!